The Dark Web

This is the latest ‘buzz word’ in the IT industry – the Dark Web. It’s an underground world that is making a TON of money tricking you into giving up your passwords, holding your data for ransom, using your credit cards to buy things, and stealing money out of your bank accounts. This is not an exaggeration; just turn on the news and you’ll hear all about it.

When the big retailers and banks are hacked, all that information becomes a valuable tool for this underground world, and it’s for sale to the highest bidder. Some of that information, things that are several years old, is readily available under sites like Take a look and see what kind of information is already out there about you!

What can you do? For starters, protect your personal information and use strong passwords; lock your workstation when you walk away; keep your systems patched and your anti-virus up-to-date; stay off questionable websites; make online purchases with reputable companies. Next, we have a new tool that will search the Dark side of the internet under your domain name. What information is already out there, what passwords are already known? What needs to be cleaned up? This service can even continue to monitor your domain name and provide alerts when new information is available.

Curious? Give us a call – 630-850-9039 – or email us at – CMW